An ANZAC Day like no other

CCGS students pay respects - ANZAC Day

Clutching flags and candles, as the night turned slowly to day, Central Coast Grammar students and staff across the region stood in their driveways, balconies and living rooms for a very different ANZAC Day commemoration.

Despite not being able to attend the normal dawn service and other memorials across the Central Coast, this did not stop our school from sharing in the ANZAC Day spirit and remembering all those who fought for us and gave us the country we have today.

Taylem Barnard, Head Girl of 2020 said, “Today we think of those who served. Those who joined together to fight and support forces that Australia was, and still, is proud of today.”

Robert Bacon, Head Boy of 2020 added, “We salute their fellowship and courage. We think of the families, those who stayed behind. We salute their endurance and strength as we think of the prisoners and wounded - those who still suffer today.” 

A mark of respect

Wearing their school uniform, students marked the day with poppies, rosemary, candles and torches. Each took a moment to pay respects and honour those who had fallen and those who continue to serve our country. Many students picked up instruments from trumpets to violins and played ‘The Last Post’ or bore the war medals of generations gone before.

As of midday 25 April we had received over 200 images from students sharing how they celebrated ANZAC Day with more coming in every hour.

Students from CCGS come together to celebrate ANZAC Day

An African proverb states, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” CCGS students went far. In streets and suburbs across the Central Coast, we came together to carry on the tradition of ANZAC Day. 

ANZAC Day was not forgotten, nor those who served and died in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations. ANZAC Day was celebrated by young and old.

Taylem added, "On ANZAC Day, we honour those who died for us, for our nation Australia and for our peace. We do not celebrate victory or glorify war - we celebrate the human spirit - the spirit of ANZAC!"

Lest we forget.

A full gallery of all students can be found on MyCCGS in the .