
Holidays at home - boredom busters

CCGS Holidays at Home Boredom Busters

Whether it's flooding, bush fires or a global pandemic, unforeseen time with the kids can sometimes feel stressful and school holidays at home is no exception. 

With us all asked to stay at home to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, the dreams of our Easter vacation plans have been postponed and trips to see family and friends are cancelled. Now we're left at home, with the kids, for two whole weeks.

But if parenting teaches you anything it is to keep calm and carry on! 

With school out for Easter, we've compiled some of our top boredom busters to help nurture, feed and grow hungry minds, bodies and souls of any age.

Feed your body

  • Stretch your body and breathe deeply with yoga or pilates
  • Create a home workout for your family
  • Bust some moves and dance the night away

Fill your heart

  • Speak to a relative, share your day or interview them
  • Send a letter, a postcard, draw a picture or create a care package for someone living on their own
  • Play charades, bring out the board games or look through old family photo albums

Nourish your soul

  • Sit outside, read and enjoy the sunshine
  • Listen to rain on the window panes
  • Go camping in your backyard and toast marshmallows on a fire

Grow your mind

  • Build a model or unleash your inner Lego Master!
  • Get snapping - photography or digital imaging
  • Build a time capsule

For more ideas to keep heads and hearts in check and bust those boredom blues download our Holidays at Home guide. And remember lots of cuddles and conversations - even if your child is in Year 12!

Holidays at Home - Boredom Busters